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Threats to marine life from climate change

Marine life is suffering from the effects of climate change!

Climate change is affecting the oceans!

Climate change has had an impact on the oceans, which are first and foremost affected by anthropogenic global warming. As the planet’s largest carbon sink, the oceans absorb excess heat and energy released by increasing greenhouse gas emissions from the Earth’s systems. Today, the oceans already absorb about 90 per cent of the heat generated by increased emissions.
As excess heat and energy warms the oceans, changes in temperature lead to unparalleled cascading effects, including melting ice, rising sea levels, ocean heat waves and ocean acidification.

Marine life is being devastated by climate impacts!

Every marine life is affected, such as corals. According to the data Between 2009 and 2018, the world lost about 14 per cent of the coral on its coral reefs, which equates to around 11,700 square kilometres of coral, more than all the living coral in Australia.

What are the consequences of this?


Impact on Local Economy

The fishing industry, tourism and more related to the oceans would be hard hit by the decline in marine life. This could lead to a decline in the local economy as a result of the loss of jobs in coastal areas.


Imbalance of Ecological Balance

The extinction of one or more species may have a substantial effect on the ecosystem as a whole, which may result in the abundance of other species fluctuating in a manner that is neither normal nor expected.