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Call of Action

Different organizations in Scotland have played their part to preserve and protect local seas and waters.

The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is a prominent research institution in Oban, Scotland, focusing on marine science, biodiversity, and ecosystem dynamics. With interdisciplinary research spanning marine biology, oceanography, and environmental science, SAMS collaborates nationally and internationally to provide insights into marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and human impact on oceans. SAMS contributes significantly to marine conservation, sustainable resource management, and policy decisions.

Marine Scotland Science is a government organization based in Scotland that focuses on scientific research, monitoring, and management of marine and freshwater environments. It plays a crucial role in studying marine ecosystems, fisheries, aquaculture, and environmental impacts to ensure sustainable and responsible use of Scotland’s marine resources.

Marine Scotland Science is a government organization based in Scotland that focuses on scientific research, monitoring, and management of marine and freshwater environments. It plays a crucial role in studying marine ecosystems, fisheries, aquaculture, and environmental impacts to ensure sustainable and responsible use of Scotland’s marine resources.

The Scottish Oceans Institute (SOI) is a renowned research institute based at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. SOI specializes in multidisciplinary marine research, and conducts cutting-edge studies on marine ecosystems, biodiversity, and the impacts of environmental changes. Through collaborations and partnerships, SOI contributes valuable insights into the complex interactions within oceans, advancing scientific understanding and supporting the conservation of marine environments.

The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) is a UK-based nonprofit organization dedicated to marine protection, conservation, and sustainable management. It works to address issues such as plastic pollution, overfishing, and habitat degradation through research, education, and advocacy.